The Habitat
The land lies at the heart of the Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot, one of the most biologically diverse regions on earth. To date we have registered 234 bird species, 44 reptiles and amphibians, and 37 large mammal species, including an especially dense population of the endemic and Critically Endangered Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey (Lagothrix flavicauda).
The site lies between five nationally and privately protected areas. The terrain is rugged with high ridges and deep valleys between 1,800 and 2,400 metres above sea level. The habitat is characterized by primary premontane and montane forests, dominated by Ficus spp.
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the area is a priority for protection because it is a natural biological corridor between protected areas, allowing organisms to travel between areas and reducing forest fragmentation.
Ecoregion: Peruvian Yungas (NT0153)

Some of the threatened species now protected on this land include:
- Critically Endangered Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey (Lagothrix flavicauda)
- Endangered Peruvian Night Monkey (Aotus miconax)
- Endangered White-bellied Spider Monkey (Ateles belzebuth)
- Endangered Royal Sunangel (Heliangelus regalis)
- Vulnerable Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus)
- Vulnerable Long-whiskered Owlet (Xenoglaux loweryi)
- Near Threatened Jaguar (Panthera onca)
Local Partner NGO
Status of registration of the group at the national level
Neotropical Primate Conservation (NPC) is a registered charity in the UK (No. 1131122)
NPC-Perú is a sister organization, registered in Peru as a nonprofit association (No. 11022917) and tax exempt. NPC is currently in the process of registering with Agencia Peruana de Cooperación Internacional.
Governance and management structure of the group
Neotropical Primate Conservation is a UK-based registered charity with the legal objective to contribute to the long-term conservation of Neotropical forest biodiversity. NPC UK works in tandem with Asociación Neotropical Primate Conservation Perú, a registered nonprofit organization. The boards of directors of both NPC UK and NPC Peru are composed of experts in conservation biology, anthropology, education, development and law. To achieve its objective, the organization undertakes related projects of research, land purchase and protection, reforestation, public awareness and promoting sustainable economic activity. To ensure the sustainability of our conservation efforts, all our work is carried out in conjunction with and for the benefit of local people. We have been instrumental in the creation of 11 protected areas, covering about 100,000 hectares, and the rescue of more than 4,000 illegally trafficked wild animals. To create and manage reserves we carry out biological inventories, build local capacity, provide legal advice and help raise funds for management.

Conservation Plans
TiME’s conservation model is not your typical conservation solution. In contrast to “Green Colonialism” schemes where locals are dispossessed and denied access to vital resources, this land purchase was made by Mr. Isidoro Lozano, a community member of Yambrasbamba Campesino Community in La Esperanza, who works closely with our partners at Asociación Neotropical Primate Conservation Perú.
Mr. Lozano will raise a couple of cows on a part of the land that is currently cleared of forest (about 10 ha) and will be an on-site guard for the whole parcel. With the signature of the conservation agreement, no further logging will be allowed on this land. The area will be policed and patrolled by local residents.
By strengthening capacity and leadership, indigenous peoples and local communities participate more fully in making the decisions that will shape their futures and the future of the environment.
TiME’s conservation initiatives are not only an honest and efficient answer to habitat and species loss but are also uniquely tailored to the local community’s social structure, allowing for local participation in conservation efforts.

- Re-opened our long-term field site adjacent to purchased land and generating income for local guides and other community members by hosting events that include students and researchers.
- Implemented educational programs for children and adults focused on conservation and sustainability.
- Conducted a census of the Critically Endangered Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey.
- Finished participatory mapping and on-the-ground marking of the limits of the reserve, and met with all neighboring landowners.
- Successfully coordinated with community members and the communal authorities to include the new land and other communal areas within the official borders of the Pampa del Burro Private Conservation Area*
- Hosted primate-watching tourists, brought by a specialized wildlife tour operator
- Began a project for monitoring and conserving Spectacled Bears in the Pampa del Burro and other sites. The project is between NPC, the community, and San Diego Global.
* The paperwork and internal communal, regional, and national politics means that the official inscriptions have not been completed. However, the community has accepted the proposal.
- NPC update on conservation activities: NPC Peru 2019 REPORT TO TiME. Highlights include demarcation activities and small-scale reforestation.
- New recent sightings of Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkeys on site!
- Two incidents of wood clearing were observed: one was adjacent to the site but no damage was evident to the conservation site. A second incident occurred and the dispute ended with Isidoro calling the authorities to stop the intruder. Only minimal damage was done to a secondary forest.