Blog“In the lands you have helped protect, we are discovering much more diversity and life than we thought”
Blog“Something inside me refused to accept the proposal for deforestation of that vibrant and dazzling forest”
Uncategorized“It is tough to ignore the situation of nature in Paraguay when travelling for hours and hours through soybean fields, in places where there should be forests”
Uncategorized“La naturaleza en Paraguay está en peligro. Puedes viajar horas y horas y solo ver campos de soja donde debería haber bosques”
BlogPaul R. Ehrlich turns 90: Happy birthday to one of the world’s pioneering voices on sustainability
Blog“Securing lands for conservation is one of the best investments you can do to secure your future and that of your family”
Blog“I want my children to see and enjoy nature, but I’ve seen nature declining everywhere I’ve travelled”
Blog“La fotografía de la naturaleza tiene que enseñar y despertar curiosidad y compasión por la biodiversidad”
Blog“We should let people understand the true cost of their choices because nobody is paying for the disaster that has been caused”
BlogThe transfer of animals from one location to another carries diseases, which spread and mutate easily
Uncategorized“TiME is this little animal running under the nose of more prominent corporations and saving the land before it’s too late”
Blog“Even though there are wild areas with intact forest you can see that some of them don’t have any monkeys left”
BlogWhat can YOU do to protect the planet? Join TiME’s team and help us spread the word through a monthly newsletter!
Blog“Insects have survived the last five mass extinctions our planet has faced; but this time is different”