We share a personal letter from This is My Earth’s Founder and CEO, Professor Uri Shanas. He explains how we’ve created a MOOC to engage students in nature conservation and biodiversity. Let’s engage your students in nature conservation with TiME

Dear friend,
My name is Uri Shanas, I’m the CEO and Founder of the NGO This is My Earth and Associate Professor at University of Haifa-Oranim.
This is My Earth · TiME (this-is-my-earth.org)is a unique conservation non-profit. We are committed to protecting and saving biodiversity through science, education, democracy, crowdfunding, and volunteer-based work.
We see that every citizen has a voice in saving our planet Earth.
With TiME, you buy lands rich in biodiversity. We hand these lands over to local NGOs and communities that protect them forever.
Since 2016 we have purchased and saved 8 lands on 3 continents. Let’s engage your students in nature conservation with TiME
As you know, education is critical to achieving these goals and that is why many teachers collaborate with us and bring our specific TiME training program on biodiversity into their classrooms.
We are excited to invite you to join our upcoming nature conservation education MOOC TiME To Seed a Future.
The MOOC is designed to provide teachers like you with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to engage their students in nature conservation education. As you know, nature conservation is a critical issue that requires the attention and action of individuals and communities worldwide.
As a teacher, you have a unique opportunity to inspire and empower new generations. Your students can become stewards of the environment and positively impact the world around them.
This is how our MOOC TiME To Seed a Future engages your students in nature conservation:
- Learn how to bring the topic of climate change and its impact on ecosystems to your students.
- Be able to discuss conservation dilemmas with students and encourage their involvement in conservation efforts
- Discover ideas and tools for addressing conservation in the classroom
- Develop ideas for student-led conservation projects and activities, including debates, volunteering, fundraising, and engaging local commnities.
- Design a lesson plan incorporating ideas from this online course
This MOOC will help you become a more effective and engaged teacher, and your participation will positively affect your students and the wider community.
To learn more and join the MOOC, please visit this website. TiME’s MOOC is engaging. Let’s engage your students in nature conservation with TiME
We look forward to having you join us!

This is My Earth’s CEO and Founder
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