fbpx Climate Change and Nature Preservation Curriculum for Middle School (UPDATED!)
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Middle school/Junior high school

Climate Change and Nature Preservation Curriculum for Middle School

Understanding climate change and the biodiversity crisis and promoting real-world solutions

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9 lessons




This program offers students the opportunity to

  • help solve a real-life problem in biodiversity conservation
  • analyze environmental perspectives and acquire scientific knowledge
  • engage in a truly democratic process and to learn how to do that appropriately (study-learn-decide-vote process)
  • learn skills in leadership (small group processes, as well as class presentations, and especially in fundraising efforts outside of the immediate learning environment)


  • internet connection
  • computers/laptops/tablets (one per group)
  • three packages of popcorn (or a similar food item), tools or cardboard boxes for collecting popcorn, ribbons

Lesson Plan:

Lesson 1: Climate Change — The Root of the Problem

Lesson 2: The Game of Life

Lesson 3: The Power of Biodiversity — The Wolves of Yellowstone

Lesson 4: What Is an Endangered Species?

Lessons 5–8: Mission TiME (This is My Earth)

Lesson 9: From Personal Responsibility to Social Responsibility

Each lesson has its own procedure detailed in the full curriculum guide. Activities all take place in small groups and include presentations, a role-playing game, research, and a class debate and vote.

For more information, useful links and anything else you’d like to discuss with TiME, please write to [email protected]