Middle school/Junior high school
Lesson Plan: Class Engagement in Real-Life Conservation
Learning basic concepts and challenges in conservation biology
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90 min.

- Learning basic concepts and challenges in conservation biology
- Supporting engagement and activism

- 3 laptop computers
- internet connection

- The teacher introduces the topics of species extinction and biodiversity hotspots. (10 min.) For example: https://www.slideshare.net/somyabagai/hotspots-of-biodiversity-34173598
- The class is divided into three groups.
- Each group is assigned to one of the three conservation projects on TiME’s website.
- Each group reads and discusses the project’s information pages, summarizing its unique characteristics and the reasons why the habitat should be preserved. (20-25 min.)
- Each group answers the following questions: (15 min.)
- In which continent is your project located?
- What are three unique characteristics of this habitat that make it important for conservation?
- What are the main risks facing this habitat?
- Why do you think this place should be protected?
- Each group chooses two representatives to argue for the conservation of “their” site. The representatives present their arguments to the class. The teacher or one of the students summarizes these arguments on the board. (15 min.)
- Using pre-prepared voting ballots, students vote for their favourite site. A committee assigned by the teacher counts the votes. (20 min.)
- Finally the teacher discusses the website with the students and presents the past years’ winners: (5-10 min)

Discuss TiME’s projects with your family and vote as a family for the habitat you wish to preserve.
For more information, useful links, and anything else you’d like to discuss with TiME, please write to: [email protected]