Climate Change and Nature Preservation Curriculum for High School
Each student will help solve a real-life problem in biodiversity conservation
Download programat least 10 lessons
This program offers students the opportunity to
- help solve a real-life problem in biodiversity conservation
- analyze environmental perspectives and acquire scientific knowledge
- engage in a truly democratic process and to learn how to do that appropriately (study-learn-decide-vote process)
- learn skills in leadership (small group processes, as well as class presentations, and especially in fundraising efforts outside of the immediate learning environment)
- internet connection
- computers/laptops/tablets (one per pair of students)
- the game Jenga (or something similar)
- optional: cameras/smartphones
Lesson Plan:
Unit 1: The Sixth Extinction (2–3 lessons)
Part A: The Five Past Extinctions
Part B: The Sixth Extinction
Unit 2: Biodiversity (3–5 lessons)
Part A: Introduction to the Concept of Species Diversity
Part B: The Importance of Preserving Biodiversity
Part C: Why Should I Protect Nature?
Part D: Some Areas Are More Valuable Than Others
Unit 3: What Is an Endangered Species? (1 lesson)
Unit 4: Engaging Students in Real-life Conservation Decisions (4–6 lessons)
Each lesson has its own procedure detailed in the full curriculum guide. Activities include class discussions, group presentations, research, and an outdoor inventory of local species.
For more information, useful links and anything else you’d like to discuss with TiME, please write to [email protected]