TiME is Celebrating partnerships for Wildlife Conservation while having a fantastic brunch.
March 3 is World Wildlife Day. It is a United Nations International Day celebrating all the world’s wild animals and plants. In other words, the contribution that biodiversity makes to our lives and the health of the planet.
The date was chosen to celebrate the CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora signature in 1973.
This 2023 marks CITES half-century, as the Convention is turning 50. This is My Earth joins the world’s celebration with a special volunteer meeting in Haifa (Israel) and aims to spread 2023’s motto: ‘Partnerships for Wildlife Conservation
Why do we need a Wildlife Conservation day?
People everywhere rely on wildlife and biodiversity-based resources. Many communities need natural resources to meet all their needs, from food to fuel, medicines, housing, and clothing. And for that, they need balanced ecosystems. As our volunteer Jordi Vilanova said, “Ecosystems are at the heart of many things we do, from tourism to healthcare.” People should understand that biodiversity sustains the foundation upon which we live. And for that, biodiversity has to be better explained and understood.
We all rely on nature as essential for our well-being and mental health. Nowadays, initiatives and movements such as the Planetary Health Alliance promote a holistic approach toward the environment. The motto “Our health depends on the environment” is gaining momentum.
Also, millions worldwide need nature as a source of livelihood and economic opportunities. We must strive to achieve a correct and balanced relationship with the natural resources we use for our progress. Otherwise, we are jeopardizing our viability on this planet.

TiME organizes a vegan brunch to celebrate Partnerships for Wildlife Conservation
To celebrate this particular day, TiME is celebrating partnerships for Wildlife Conservation while having an international vegan brunch in Haifa. We invite our volunteers to join. At the meeting, members of the executive from overseas and staff personnel will have the chance to discuss strategies and challenges.
Our unique transparent, and crowdfunded organization is building a great international community. We will address questions such as how is This is My Earth implementing its scientific strategy or which following lands should be saved.
The theme ‘Partnerships for Wildlife Conservation’ will provide This is My Earth an excellent opportunity to highlight the people making a difference. We believe TiME is also significantly contributing to sustainability, wildlife, and biodiversity conservation. And, of course, we invite all of you to join us in saving the world with democracy, education, and science! Stay tuned, and remember what our volunteer, the DJ and music producer Tomer Baruch said about us: “TiME is this little animal running under the nose of more prominent corporations and saving the land before it’s too late”.

On the #WDD2023, volunteers coming from 5 countries (Italy, Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Israel) joined TiME’s vegan brunch in Haifa and discussed how to save the world.